Following our intuition, we moved to Izumo, a place where gods reside, during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the four years since then, we have been working on many projects while deepening our ties with the local community.And now, our wish has come true: we have been given a 70-year-old traditional Japanese house in the temple town of Izumo Taisha Shrine, and it has been decided that we will revive it as a new community space called "KAMIGOTO HOUSE.""KAMIGOTO HOUSE" will be reborn as a place where local people and tourists can gather, interact, and learn from each other.This project aims to create new value while making the most of the good qualities of the traditional Japanese house.The DIY project, which started on the summer solstice, has been carried out with friends who understand our aspirations and are willing to cooperate, and we have strengthened our ties with the local community and started to make happy memories.However, in order to make this important project a success, we need your further support! ! This is because, renovating while preserving the oldness is likely to cost many times more than we expected.Therefore, we have decided to raise funds through crowdfunding.Request for supportWe have prepared the following rewards to thank all of our supporters:Invitation to special events: We will invite you to DIY events and completion parties and have a good time together.Crowdfunding detailsCampaign start date: December 5, 2024Campaign end date: February 28, 2025Target amount: 10 million yenYour support will help breathe new life into the area and spread the appeal of Taisha (Izumo).Let's build the future of Taisha (Izumo) together.For rewards for events or accommodation, please contact us individually to discuss the timing of use depending on the progress of construction.Please apply for support below:We look forward to your warm support.With sincere gratitude,HARUNA RepresentativeHaruna Akiko私たちは、自分の直感にしたがってコロナ禍に神宿る出雲に移住してから4年間、地域との絆を深めながら多くのプロジェクトに取り組んできました。そして、この度、念願がかなって出雲大社の門前町にある築70年の古民家をお譲りいただき、新たなコミュニティスペース『KAMIGOTO HOUSE』として蘇らせることが決まりました。『KAMIGOTO HOUSE』は、地域の人々や訪れる観光客が集い、交流し、学び合う場所として再生していきます。このプロジェクトは、古民家の良さを活かしながら、新しい価値を創造することを目指しています。夏至の日からスタートしたDIYは、志を理解して協力してくださる仲間とともに進めることで、地域の皆様との結束も強め、楽しい思い出を作り始めています。しかし、この大切なプロジェクトを成功させるためには、さらに皆様のご支援が必要です!!なぜなら、、古きを残しつつのリノベーションは思っていた何倍もの費用がかかりそうなのです。そこで、クラウドファンディングを通じて、資金を募ることにいたしました。ご支援のお願いご支援いただいた皆様には、感謝の気持ちを込めて以下のリワードをご用意しています: